Bumseok Chun, Ph.D.

Bumseok Chun, Ph.D, is an assistant professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Environmental Policy focusing on urban analytics for using spatial big data relevant to coupled human-environment systems and statistical simulations by spatial econometrics and machine learning techniques. He received a Ph.D degree in City and Regional Planning at Ohio State. Prior to joining the faculty at TSU, he was a post-doctoral researcher in the Center for Geographic Information Systems at Georgia Tech. He has a belief in research that contributes to the real world, leads to practical preventive interventions that identify environmental determinants, and suggests a remedy via advanced geospatial and statistical modeling. With this research interests, Dr. Chun has combined environmental studies with a proclivity towards technology, especially advanced and practical environmental policy including microclimate change, satellite-derived air pollution, environmental impacts of emerging transportation systems and public health risk in mega-region areas by urban big data analytics. Recently, for the area of urban climate, he is currently working on GIS-based UHI analysis to resolve diverse environmental problems based on the relationships between three-dimensional urban form and urban temperatures in the micro scale. Dr. Chun has also worked on transportation projects as a member of USDOT Tier 1 UTC.